A very big ‘thank you’ to all Langford’s residents and friends who came along to the LVCA AGM in the Hall. It was one of the best ever attendances for the community meeting – despite the heavy rain outside.
Thank you also to all the speakers who joined us to relay latest news and information, including Calum Miller the new MP for Bicester and Woodstock.
The Minutes of the meeting, held on Thursday 26th September, will be published here soon.
Please ‘Save the Date’ now and simply add it to your phone or device calendar so you don’t forget. It’s Thursday 26th September at 7.30 in the Hall. Just click on the button provided here.
Do share the invitation and the date with other residents and friends of Langford Village.
See you there!
Add to CalendarCome along to Langford Village Community Association’s Annual General Meeting on 26th September.
We now have the latest stats from Langford’s traffic speed indicator device/sign which has been on Peregrine Way at a spot near to the Langford Primary School for a few months.
To provide analysis, we’ve taken a snapshot from Monday 13th May to Sunday 19th May 2024. The data for this covers vehicles travelling past the speed sign from the direction of the Goldcrest Way/Pipits Croft roundabout and travelling towards the village shops.
This is a busy section of road, with 11,007 vehicles passing in this one direction over the whole 7-day period.
The daily. morning peak is between 8am and 9am – 127 Vehicles
The daily afternoon peak is between 5pm and 6pm – 172 Vehicles
The average vehicle speed recorded at this spot is 22.5mph
Over the Limit Speed
The top speed at which a vehicle passed this point was 45mph recorded on 17th May at 5.50 in the afternoon. More detailed information on the vehicles over the 30mph speed limit is shown in the table below.
Number of vehicles speeding
% OF vehicles speeding
Average speed
The figures are presented as a fair indicator for this one ‘typical week’ during term time in May 2024.
Pick-up and Drop-off Times
Residents have always shown a lot of interest in traffic behaviour at school drop-off and pick-up times. So below we have detailed analysis for each weekday over a four-week period. This shows traffic between 8:30am and 9:00am, and between 2:30pm and 3:30pm.
You can study the total number of vehicles, the number speeding and the average speed.
Days when pupils were on holiday or not attending because of a bank holiday are noted.
The detailed breakdown shows that generally the average speed at key drop-off and pick-up times is under 20mph with very little speeding. This is in stark contrast to school holiday times when the instances of speeding are greater.
To round off the data, the charts below show for the week beginning the 13th May, the hourly volume of traffic right through the day, with the clear morning and evening peaks.
The next chart shows details of speeds on this section of road during all times that week.
While there is a degree of speeding on this section of road, during the critical school drop off and pick up times, most drivers are generally respecting the speed limit.
We’ve now turned the device to face the opposite direction and will share results later.
LVCA continues to receive a lot of positive comment regarding its work to introduce the speed indicator device to Langford and is grateful for all the support being shown.
The whole purpose of the sign is to help raise awareness of correct driving speeds and to help make Langford Village an even safer place for everyone who lives here or visits the area.
Well summer is upon us, although some days it feels more like autumn or winter, I hope you’re enjoying the good weather when it’s here.Here’s my latest update on the LVCA’s activity.
The hall improvements continue, we are fast approaching the refurb of the ladies’ toilets, work taking place from August 12th – 25th is to bring them to the same look and standard as the gents and access toilet. We have been very fortunate to obtain government funding via Cherwell District Council which has given us the bulk of the costs, while we’ll also be using our own funding to pay the difference.
We have submitted a grant application for an upgrade to a heating control system that works with our online booking system that identifies what the required temperature is and uses indoor and outdoor probes to know when to put the heating on and for how long to heat the room to the required temperature. Within this grant application we have asked for more loft insulation. We hope to get an answer soon.
We will be starting in the autumn to apply for grants in the hope we can raise enough funding to upgrade the kitchen and install a dishwasher, hopefully this will complete the refurb for the next few years.
The VAS (vehicle speed indicator) unit has been along by the school for several weeks now and we have the first stats reports which will be published on facebook and our website shortly. It’s been a very useful tool and hopefully reminds people about their speed. We still have a few ‘boy racers’ who spoil things for the rest of us. We will continue to move the unit around as a reminder to continue the good speeds that the vast majority of people are adopting on the estate.
We now have agreement to replace all the street name signs on old Langford that are still the original ones. These will be done in batches hopefully during the financial year, all of which smartens us up and makes it once again easy for visitors to read the street names.
The general election has delayed the exhibition of the proposed two London Road options and as yet we don’t know when these will now be revealed. Please watch our facebook for updates.
We have had more changes to the 108 bus service through Langford. These started on July 1st, we have published the new timetable on our website for viewing or downloading a copy. You can click here to do so right now.
Finally, LVCA is in need of some help in the form of a person with a few hours to spare to assist in the administration of the classes we now run. This can all be done from home and just requires IT literacy. There must be someone amongst the 5,500 residents of Langford that can help with this.
Please contact me via email or phone if you’d like to discuss:
Rosé Wines are the go-to wines for summer for many people who enjoy a well chilled and fruity refreshing drink on a long hot summer day. So we invite you to join us for a tasting of a variety of rosé drinks on Saturday 13th July at 5.30pm to 8pm, starting with some fizz, a cocktail and a variety of wines from various countries.
Whilst this is going to be an informal tasting, there will be a little information as to how these wines are produced, the different styles available and hopefully it will encourage you to try something you might not have considered. We will also have an option of some red wine for those who prefer this style, although our prime focus this time is rosé.
We will also have a tea tasting available for those not wishing to partake in the alcohol offerings. Sample a variety of teas ranging from decaffeinated, fruit, black and green.
To complement the wines and the tea, there will be an assortment of cheese and biscuits provided.
This evening will be free of charge, although you will need to reserve your placeby email to bookings@lvca.org.uk.
Please do this right away to ensure your place. The tasting is open to all over the age of 18.
If you enjoy the evening, you may like to leave a donation to cover costs.
Please do come and join us for a relaxed evening at Langford Village Community Hall.
We’ve been notified ( via Councillor Cotter ) that residents of New Langford will need to go to the Garth to cast their vote at the General Election called for July 4th 2024.
The previously used temporary polling station sited on Corncrake Way will NOT be in place and so we’re helping to give early notice of this to all on New Langford.
The decision to make a polling station at the Garth instead of on Corncrake has been taken by the elections team based at Cherwell District Council. There has been no explanation.
Some residents have already expressed concern about this change and feel it is either too difficult or too distant for them to get to the Garth to vote.
If this is the case, there are two alternatives that New Langford residents can consider. You could choose to register to make your vote by post or by proxy, where you give another person permission to go to your local polling station and to make a vote as per your instruction.
To apply for a postal vote the deadline is 5pm on June 19th and you should click here to read more and follow the instructions.
To apply for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on June 26th and to learn more you should click here and see if you wish to choose this method.
The polling station at Langford Village Community Centre will also be open on July 4th and remains the place for residents of original Langford Village areas to vote. People with New Langford addresses are not able to vote at the Hall and must go to the Garth on election day.
All polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm and voters are reminded that they must now provide an accepted form of photo id in order to be able to vote.
To read the latest newsletter produced by East West Rail please click here.
EWR has also recently announced that because of the General Election called for July 4th there will now be a delay in revealing its findings on the possible route of a new crossing at or near London Road.
Originally this information was expected to be unveiled in June but this will not now happen until a later date which is so far unstated.
Here’s the result of the vote to elect a new district councillor for Bicester South and Ambrosden held on 2nd May. It’s a win for Frank Ideh of the Liberal Democrats.
He will now join the two other Cherwell district councillors who already represent Langford’s residents and other people who live in the near vicinity.