We now have our second set of statistics from our speed sign, stating again for clarity, this is NOT a speed camera. It does not record any number plate details. Also, for the avoidance of doubt, the LVCA does not have an objective of getting a 20mph speed limit on Langford, it simply wants to raise speed awareness on our estate.
This set of data is for vehicles traveling from the Pipits Croft roundabout towards Ravencroft and Kestrel junctions, so when exiting the estate. The statics are for a four week period starting Monday 13th November and ending Sunday 10th December. During this time some 58,462 vehicles passed the sign in one direction, which averages 2,000 per day, or 4,000 per day if you assume an equal number of vehicles in the opposite direction.
The chart below puts traffic in 5 mph buckets, so for example 28,220 vehicles passed the sign doing 25mph to 30mph. A total of 13,167 vehicles travelled past the sign above the 30mph speed limit, which equates to 22.5% of all vehicles, compared with the 12% that exceeded the speed limit when the sign was located near Shearwater and Avocet junctions. For context, nationally 50% of drivers break the 30mph speed limit, which was somewhat surprising to me.
(Clicking on any chart will make it larger and more easy to read on your device)

The chart below is complex, it shows that on average that vehicles are traveling below 30mph, however we do have a considerable number of vehicles traveling at 35,40, 45mph etc, with one vehicle hitting 60mph.

The chart below provides the daily volumes for a single week.

The final chart, shows the flow of traffic through the day, highlighting a considerable morning peak in traffic flow.

The primary objective of the speed sign is to encourage us all to drive at a safe speed on our roads on our estate. We hope you find these insights useful. The speed sign has now been positioned to monitor vehicles entering our estate from the Kestrel Way and Ravencroft direction. In the New Year a new socket will be installed near the school, and enable us to provide statics on vehicles using this stretch of road.
In the meantime, from us all at the LVCA, have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.
Laurence Gray, LVCA Committee Member
Why have the results been presented differently to the last is that so we can’t see that the dangerous entrance without a roundabout is busiest.
The data for both Peregrine Way sections is in the posts. The Peregrine Way section that junctions with the ring road and is without the roundabout averages 3,400 vehicles per day. The Peregrine Way section with the roundabout on the ring road averages 4,000 vehicles per day. We have no hidden agenda with the stats we publish, we are just trying to provide the community with information.