Once you’ve read this article, come back and CLICK HERE to go straight to the front page of the online form that we’re all asked to complete by 24th January. This will open a new tab and display the screen that you see below.
(We’ve added the orange arrows to help direct you and have called this ‘Step 1’)
Please note you ONLY need to use the ‘Oxford to Bletchley’ section of the form to comment on London Road. You do NOT need to complete any other route sections.
Next you should go through a few online pages that ask for your name and other information. Please complete this until you reach a page shown below. This is the start of the Oxford to Bletchley section of the online form (we’ve put in the arrow and called it Step 2, as below).
Now the very important bit!
On the next page YOU MUST SELECT THE ‘OTHER‘ INDICATOR shown by our arrow. Then go on to write your comments about what you want to happen (i.e. for EWR to ensure continuing access for vehicles across the rail line) in the box at the bottom of this screen.
Then just keep clicking on the ‘Next Page’ buttons until you reach the pages at the very end and eventually the Submit Feedback Form button.
That’s it, all done!
Except our local MP, Calum Miller, who’s also fighting to Keep London Road Open, is requesting that you also email him the comments you’ve made. His email address is calum.miller.mp@parliament.uk and we do urge you to please do this as well.
You might also like to write to the Transport Minister responsible for railways. This is Lord Peter Hendy and his email is hendyp@parliament.uk
Thank you everyone for all your support!