We now have the latest stats from Langford’s traffic speed indicator device/sign which has been on Peregrine Way at a spot near to the Langford Primary School for a few months.
To provide analysis, we’ve taken a snapshot from Monday 13th May to Sunday 19th May 2024. The data for this covers vehicles travelling past the speed sign from the direction of the Goldcrest Way/Pipits Croft roundabout and travelling towards the village shops.
This is a busy section of road, with 11,007 vehicles passing in this one direction over the whole 7-day period.
The daily. morning peak is between 8am and 9am – 127 Vehicles
The daily afternoon peak is between 5pm and 6pm – 172 Vehicles
The average vehicle speed recorded at this spot is 22.5mph
Over the Limit Speed
The top speed at which a vehicle passed this point was 45mph recorded on 17th May at 5.50 in the afternoon. More detailed information on the vehicles over the 30mph speed limit is shown in the table below.
Day | Number of vehicles speeding | % OF vehicles speeding | Average speed |
Monday | 53 | 3.1% | 32.9mph |
Tuesday | 40 | 2.9% | 32.8mph |
Wednesday | 73 | 4.3% | 33.1mph |
Thursday | 48 | 3.1% | 33.0mph |
Friday | 88 | 4.9% | 33.1mph |
Saturday | 100 | 6.6% | 33.0mph |
Sunday | 128 | 9.8% | 32.8mph |
Pick-up and Drop-off Times
Residents have always shown a lot of interest in traffic behaviour at school drop-off and pick-up times. So below we have detailed analysis for each weekday over a four-week period. This shows traffic between 8:30am and 9:00am, and between 2:30pm and 3:30pm.
You can study the total number of vehicles, the number speeding and the average speed.
Days when pupils were on holiday or not attending because of a bank holiday are noted.

The detailed breakdown shows that generally the average speed at key drop-off and pick-up times is under 20mph with very little speeding. This is in stark contrast to school holiday times when the instances of speeding are greater.
To round off the data, the charts below show for the week beginning the 13th May, the hourly volume of traffic right through the day, with the clear morning and evening peaks.

The next chart shows details of speeds on this section of road during all times that week.

While there is a degree of speeding on this section of road, during the critical school drop off and pick up times, most drivers are generally respecting the speed limit.
We’ve now turned the device to face the opposite direction and will share results later.
LVCA continues to receive a lot of positive comment regarding its work to introduce the speed indicator device to Langford and is grateful for all the support being shown.
The whole purpose of the sign is to help raise awareness of correct driving speeds and to help make Langford Village an even safer place for everyone who lives here or visits the area.
Thank You! from the LVCA Committee