Keep London Road Open: The Meeting Notes

The Langford Village Community Association’s notes related to the meeting on London Road and the campaign to keep a route open for vehicles there are now published online.

To view them please CLICK HERE.

Thank you to everyone who attended this important gathering to make comments and suggestions and to help plan next steps.

Light-up Langford 2024 – The Countdown

The Christmas Clock is ticking again and heading to 6pm on Sunday 1st December 2024.🎄

Share the clock and let’s all light up Langford together. 🤶

Follow the Light-up Langford facebook group.

Book now to hire the Hall for your 2024 event

It’s already possible to book the Hall for a children’s party or event at any time during this year.

The diary fills fast and our weekend dates always go quickly – so booking early can really help avoid disappointment later.

Everything you need to make a booking to hire the Hall is found right here.

Book early to hire the Hall.

Light-up Langford 2023 – The Countdown

The clock is ticking towards 6pm on Friday 1st December 2023.🎄

Share the clock and let’s all light up together. 🤶

The Wretchwick Way sub-group

At the recent AGM of Langford Village Community Association, the major topic was the Junction at Peregrine Way/Wretchwick Way, headed up by Carole Hetherington.  Sixty five concerned residents, police and councillors attended the meeting where many issues were raised about the junction with individuals giving details of their near misses and concerns. Continue reading

Litter Pick 12 October 2013

Please remember the ‘Litter Pick’ on Saturday 12th October. Melanie Magee and co will be meeting at the Langford village hall at 10 o’clock. Bacon sandwiches and tea/coffee will be provided afterwards, courtesy of the LVCA.

LVCA AGM 2013 minutes

Further to the AGM last month, I am pleased to attach the minutes of the meeting.

In the short time since the meeting, I am delighted to report that Cllr Tim Hallchurch has been able to confirm that funding has been found for a ‘Lollipop’ crossing patrol outside Langford Village Primary School. This is excellent news and steps are in hand to fill the post. Thank you Cllr Hallchurch.
A sub-group has been set up by Carole Hetherington regarding Wretchwick Way/Peregrine Way junction and will be meeting soon. Carole will keep interested parties informed of progress. Again, the LVCA website is also intended as a point of reference for this.
Thank you again for attending the AGM and for your concern about our community.
Best regards,

Jumpers and Scarves workshop for community halls – spaces still available for September 25th

eieJumpers and Scarves is a half day workshop aimed at helping community buildings realise energy efficiency savings through management of current energy use and considering efficiency opportunities in planned building upgrades.  As decisions in community buildings are made by committees who have limited time to consider options and understand energy implications, the workshop highlights key energy efficiency practices and includes a focus on group decision making. Click here to register for the next workshop.