How Many Drivers Speed On Langford Village?

We now have the first set of statistics from Langford Village’s very own Speed Sign.  For clarity, this is not a speed camera, it does not record any number plate details.  It simply records for each vehicle passing it, its maximum speed along with a time and date stamp.

It is all too easy to accidentally speed, the primary objective of the speed sign is to actively draw each drivers attention to their speed.  It has been noted  that drivers are slowing down when the speed sign has indicated they are travelling above 30 miles per hour, so the impact has been positive. 

The sign is mobile, with two ’sockets’ already in place on Peregrine Way, with one socket near Kestrel Way and one near Avocet Way.  At each of these locations the sign can be positioned to measure traffic speed in either direction.  A third socket will shortly be installed along the section of Peregrine Way containing the shops and school.

The first set of data we have is for cars traveling from the Osprey Close/Falcon Mead roundabout down Peregrine Way towards the Shearwater Drive/Avocet Way junctions – basically leaving the estate. Over a period of one month, 44,167 vehicles passed the speed sign.  The chart below puts traffic into 5 mile per hour buckets.  So for example, 19,347 vehicles passed the sign traveling between 25 and 30 miles per hour.

The data indicates that we do have a surprising number of cars travelling down this section of road above the speed limit. Just over 12% of vehicles are speeding – that is  5,612 speeding vehicles over a period of 1 month (October 2023).

In response to some requests to publish a more detailed breakdown of the instances of over 30mph speeds the LVCA can also provide this additional chart/data table. This shows that there were 688 times when a vehicle was recorded as speeding between 36mph and 55mph.

The sign has now been moved to record data for cars traveling from the Goldcrest Way/Pipits Croft roundabout towards Ravencroft and Kestrel Way junctions, we will publish this data when available.

The primary objective of the Speed Sign is to encourage us all to drive at a safe speed on our roads, on our estate.  The secondary objective is provide actual data to determine if we have a problem with speeding on Langford.  If we do, we can provide this information to the relevant authorities who can in turn decide if they want to carry out any enforcement actions. 

Let’s work together to make Langford a safe place to live.

Laurence Gray, LVCA Committee Member

An Update on Gavray Drive

The information statement below is supplied by Pat Clissold, of Gavray Meadows News. LVCA is sharing it to help update more Langford residents via its own website and social media.

“We now have reached an agreement with L&Q that will allow the Gavray Meadows (Local Wildlife Site (LWS) to become a Local Green Space. The designation still has to be passed by the Cherwell District Council but it should be a formality as it fulfils Bicester Policy 13.

“Two hundred houses will be built on the west side of Langford Brook and fifty along Gavray Drive at the ring-road (A4421) end, along Footpath 129/4.

“The flooding that was on the footpath was an overflow from Thames Water pipes. With the help of L&Q hydrologists this flooding (which was also present along the ridge and furrows in the field bordering the A4421) has been stopped, which benefits the community. The footpath is once again (after 5 years of being under dirty water) a pleasant walk leading to Launton.

“There will not be any development in the LWS or 90% of the Conservation Target Area (CTA) inside Bicester Policy 13. We have been through twelve years when the land belonged to Gallagher Estates. The last three years with L&Q have been one of steady progress towards agreement. It shows what negotiations can achieve!”

Pat Clissold, Gavray Meadows News

(17th October 2023)

Please Watch Your Speed!

Have you spotted the new addition for our community on Langford Village?

Langford Village Community Association (LVCA) has managed to obtain a grant to purchase a vehicle activated speed sign which has now been installed on the Kestrel/Ravencroft/Swansfield side of Peregrine Way.

The aim is to help ensure we all have a safe Langford Village and that everyone who lives or visits can understand the need to adhere to the speed limit.

The device records the speeds at which vehicles are travelling and that information can be extracted regularly and, if necessary, shared with the Police.

The unit can be turned around to record the opposite direction of travel and also moved to the opposite leg of  Peregrine Way, which is planned in due course.

Thanks for your support.

Carole Hetherington, Chairman LVCA

By-election Voting on Monday 4th September



The result of the by-election held in Bicester South on 4th September shows a win for the Liberal Democrats.

Their candidate, Alisa Russell, is elected as another of the Bicester Town councillors who represent the interests of Langford residents.

Voting numbers for each candidate and percentage of the vote:

Alisa Russell (Lib Dem) 731 (51.5%)
Dan Sames (Conservative) 495 (34.9%)
Robert Nixon (Labour) 192 (13.5%)

Voter turnout was 16.8%

The by-election was held following the resignation of another Liberal Democrat councillor (Jamie Jessett) who had been elected in May 2023.


Very unusually, residents of Langford Village and nearby are being asked to vote to elect a new Bicester Town councillor to join the others who already represent this area. This circumstance was brought about when one of the councillors elected last May chose to resign.

The poll is taking place on MONDAY 4th September with polling stations open between 7am and 10pm. The Community Hall at Nightingale Place will be the venue to vote for those who usually make a visit there during elections but for Langford residents who usually vote at a mobile polling station on Corncrake/Mallards Way there is an important change. They will need to visit The Garth in order to vote this time. Full details can be found on your polling card, which you should have now received if you are registered and eligible to vote.

A reminder that you are required to produce appropriate photo identification when going to vote.

The candidates standing for election are:

Robert Nixon, Labour

Ailsa Russell, Liberal Democrat

Dan Sames, Conservative

For more details ahead of this by-election please click here

Langford Life/LVCA will publish the result of the by-election when it has been announced.

Peregrine Way 5G Mast Appeal Dismissed

A government Planning Inspector has now ruled that a proposed 5G mast should not be allowed to be built on a grass verge on Peregrine Way. This supports Cherwell Council’s decision to reject the mast when the proposal was first put forward in summer 2022.

Among the key points is that the Planning Inspector did not consider that the proposed mast had been sympathetically designed as required. Moreover, the development would be harmful to the character and appearance of the area.

To view a copy of the full Inspector’s report please click here.

The 5G Mast Siting – How to Object

Anyone who wishes to object to the proposed siting of the 5G mast on Peregrine Way must do so quickly. The latest date for objections to be submitted is Tuesday 11th July 2023.

Objections can be made by email or by a letter to the Planning Inspectorate. Here are more details provided via Cherwell District Council. The full advice from the Council is found here.

  • If you wish to email any comments, please email and address your email to the case officer, who in this case is Caroline Harvey. All representations must quote the appeal reference, which is 23/00075/REF
  • If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to Caroline Harvey, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3B (Eagle Wing) Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. All representations must quote the appeal reference, which is 23/00075/REF
  • Please ensure that any further comments you may wish to make are received at the Planning Inspectorate by 11 July 2023 at the latest, otherwise there is a risk that the Inspector will not see them. If comments are received after the deadline, the Inspector will not normally look at them and they will be returned to you.

The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations. They will, however, ensure that letters received by the deadline are passed on to the Inspector dealing with the appeal.

The Langford Village Community Association opposes the siting of the 16m tall mast (with three associated cabinets) at the current proposed location on the grass verge near Falcon Mead and Merlin Way – but is not against the 5G mast being built elsewhere in the vicinity which is more clearly acceptable and will not cause detriment to the people who live on Langford.

A mast of a similar height and look to the one proposed for the side of Peregrine Way

Please use the buttons below to share to your social media or individuals who be interested in taking such action over the mast.


A government Planning Inspector must now rule on whether a towering 5G mast to improve mobile signal coverage should be built on a grass verge alongside Peregrine Way at Langford Village. 

Cherwell District Council threw out the original plan for the 16m tall mast in August last year on grounds of its adverse visual impact and detriment to local residents. But now the company that’s seeking permission to build – CK Hutchison Networks – has launched a formal appeal as it still wishes to go ahead on the same chosen site.

Anyone who wishes to add further comments, either in support or opposition, now has until 13th July 2023 to submit them. Before making a decision the government Planning Inspector will then make a visit to the site, which is near the junction to Merlin Way but on the opposite side of the road and towards Falcon Mead and the roundabout. 

A number of local objectors, including the LVCA, have also opposed the chosen site as they also believe it’s unsuitable but have suggested that the applicants to build the mast should seek a better site somewhere else that’s still in the Langford vicinity.

An idea of how the Langford mast would look – this one is on Leach Road in west Bicester

To view the original LVCA posts on the Langford mast please click here and also here

London Road Level Crossing Update

The long awaited announcement by East West Rail on the future of the level crossing following public consultation in 2021 has now been made.

Click here to read the section of its latest document that is relevant to this.

For more advanced information on the issues and options that are contained in the Technical Report section of EWR’s latest information please click here

The main points are:

➡ The level crossing may now be able to remain open for traffic

➡ A new underpass or bridge for pedestrians there is a possibility

➡ A road bridge for traffic or a traffic underpass on London Road is ruled out

➡ A new road bridge crossing (that could be lifted into position) over a suitable route to the south or east of the existing crossing may be a possibility

➡ A detailed proposal for consultation will not be put forward until next year

Click here to read the latest comment by the LVCA Chairman.

A BBC South TV news report broadcast on 29th May can be viewed here

What are your thoughts now? Join in and comment on the LVCA’s facebook page.

London Road level crossing

East West Rail is holding a public event at the John Paul II Centre in Bicester on Wednesday 12th July 2023 between 2pm and 8pm. This is an opportunity to meet the EWR team and discuss latest announcements and plans surrounding the London Road level crossing.

Election Results – District and Town Council

Here is the outcome of the May 4th 2023 poll to elect a District Councillor for Bicester South and Ambrosden Ward and also to elect four Town Councillors for South Ward of Bicester Town Council.