A government Planning Inspector must now rule on whether a towering 5G mast to improve mobile signal coverage should be built on a grass verge alongside Peregrine Way at Langford Village.
Cherwell District Council threw out the original plan for the 16m tall mast in August last year on grounds of its adverse visual impact and detriment to local residents. But now the company that’s seeking permission to build – CK Hutchison Networks – has launched a formal appeal as it still wishes to go ahead on the same chosen site.
Anyone who wishes to add further comments, either in support or opposition, now has until 13th July 2023 to submit them. Before making a decision the government Planning Inspector will then make a visit to the site, which is near the junction to Merlin Way but on the opposite side of the road and towards Falcon Mead and the roundabout.
A number of local objectors, including the LVCA, have also opposed the chosen site as they also believe it’s unsuitable but have suggested that the applicants to build the mast should seek a better site somewhere else that’s still in the Langford vicinity.

An idea of how the Langford mast would look – this one is on Leach Road in west Bicester
To view the original LVCA posts on the Langford mast please click here and also here