EW rail haven’t attempted to find an innovative bridge type for London Road, it could be a lesser bridge if they reduce the loading to 7.5 tons and curve it over the station car park. The current bridges they are building are monstrosities, e.g. Station Road Launton.
The railway trumps the road,they can close on safety grounds. London Road carries 8,000 journeys a day, that traffic has to go somewhere, Launton Road, Queens Avenue, where ever it will badly add to the queues already experienced. There is talk of an option to use Gavray Drive over to Aldi car park, all that does it put the traffic on to Launton Road.
Remember there is a new large estate ( Wretchwick Green) agreed beyond Langford that will start soon joining up to Symmetry Park warehouses ( Ocado etc). Closing the crossing will affect the whole of Bicester.
Carole Hetherington
Chairman, Langford Village Community Association
28th May 2023