The information statement below is supplied by Pat Clissold, of Gavray Meadows News. LVCA is sharing it to help update more Langford residents via its own website and social media.
“We now have reached an agreement with L&Q that will allow the Gavray Meadows (Local Wildlife Site (LWS) to become a Local Green Space. The designation still has to be passed by the Cherwell District Council but it should be a formality as it fulfils Bicester Policy 13.
“Two hundred houses will be built on the west side of Langford Brook and fifty along Gavray Drive at the ring-road (A4421) end, along Footpath 129/4.
“The flooding that was on the footpath was an overflow from Thames Water pipes. With the help of L&Q hydrologists this flooding (which was also present along the ridge and furrows in the field bordering the A4421) has been stopped, which benefits the community. The footpath is once again (after 5 years of being under dirty water) a pleasant walk leading to Launton.
“There will not be any development in the LWS or 90% of the Conservation Target Area (CTA) inside Bicester Policy 13. We have been through twelve years when the land belonged to Gallagher Estates. The last three years with L&Q have been one of steady progress towards agreement. It shows what negotiations can achieve!”
Pat Clissold, Gavray Meadows News
(17th October 2023)