0 thoughts on “Images tagged "station"

  1. I cannot see how the Gavray Meadows can be both a strategic housing site (pink on Map 13) and part of the River Ray Conservation Target Area (cross-hatch on map). Also Bicester 13 development goes right up to the railway line, which cuts off the wildlife site from the rest of the River Ray conservation area, closing a wildlife corridor. This is detrimental to biodiversity. I have to formulate these objections more formally for the CDC examination but I will do so shortly.

  2. Great news! Well done. Thanks to all involved in gaining this.

  3. Pam Roberts also helped with the proposal jointly with us, and instigated the idea. Unfortunately she could not be present on Monday night as she had prior commitments.

  4. Thanks for the update. “issued them with a code of conduct”.. That seems pretty useless on the face of it to be honest. Should they not be evicted or charged with trespass? Pretty sure if I had done what they have they would not be this PC touchy feely response from the authorities..

  5. I just had a call from OCC responding to a message I left for them yesterday about this. Apparently they have until tomorrow morning (Friday) to leave or the police will move them on. He’s hopeful they should all be gone by the weekend.

    As far as I can see they were in contravention of at least 4 points on the Code of Conduct: Forcing entry to land (chainsawed wooden post); Causing any other damage to the land itself, or property on it (same); Driving vehicles along any footpath, or other highway not specifically designed for road vehicles (in order to get their vehicles where they are now); Excessive noise or other forms
    of anti-social behaviour (motorbikes and quad bikes last night).

  6. As a long standing member of the Patients’ Participation Group of Langford Medical Practice, I (and others in the PPG) are continuing to give our support to the Practice. The faults found by the CQC were all concerned with administration like not keeping a record of fire drills, checking the fire extinguishers, fire exits and general cleaning. All these tasks were done but the records had not been completed. Medicines had not been tracked and documented 24/7 and staff who had been at the practice for more than 2 years had not been checked by the police. However they were all known personally by the GPs. At no time was there any breaches of procedures likely to endanger any patient’s life. Remember that you can get an appointment at Langford far more speedily than at other surgeries in Bicester due to the dedication of the lead GPs at the practice.

  7. The vastly increased traffic flow of cars and HGVs along the ring-road after Bicester 12 (Wretchwick Green housing and Akeman Park warehousing) is built will make this junction even more dangerous. Bicester 12 will have 1,500 new houses and employment buildings for 3,000, so these people will be travelling in and out of that estate. A further consideration is the proposed relief road from the A41 Oxford road to the A41 Aylesbury Road and on through Bicester 12 to emerge at Gavray Roundabout. The effect of this should also be considered. OCC’s Public Consultation on the relief road has started with opportunities for online feedback on their website and displays at the Littlebury Hotel next Friday Nov 12 and John Paul II next Saturday Nov 13.

  8. I support everything that Pam has written above. Wretchwick Green development and the Akeman Warehouses (on the A41 and adjacent to the Wretchwick Green estate) will contribute so much more traffic (the developers have admitted to a 30% increase, but it could be more) on the ring road that further safety measures for people living on the new estate will have to be made. They will need to get to the new station. The estate may have a local centre and a primary school but that is not sufficient to keep people from wanting to access Bicester Town Centre. What about young secondary school children and patients at the only nearby GP Surgery in Nightingale Square? A proper plan needs to be made with OCC.

  9. My wife attempted to make an appointment to see her Doctor at Langford Village Practice on Wednesday 9th December and was given the next available date of 31st December. The following day she received a phone call from the receptionist saying that appoinment was cancelled and replaced by one on 5th January 2016. She is not a happy bunny!

  10. This site is actually bigger than the Gavray Meadows Nature Reserve. It is 16.4 hectares in all (Gavray to the east of the Brook is 15 ha) so it will be an enormous extent of concrete slab. Although the developers Framptons say that the SuDS will cope, they cannot really be sure. Such a huge area of concrete and roofs in a wet winter such as we have just experienced will cause large amounts of run-off water to enter the drains. The flooding will go downstream across the A41 to the Graven Hill new estate. Also the additional traffic in HGVs will be insupportable. There is a petition in the vestibule of the LVCA hall (left as you enter). We have already collected over 140 signatures against these warehouses to present to the CDC. Please add your protest by signing. We now have limited time.

  11. Just read about possible development of Gavray Meadows in The Guardian.Living in the North-West,recently suffering flooding in areas which should never have been built on,due to poor drainage,would that not be an argument against any building in that area? Hope you succeed in preventing the damage to such an important ecological site.

  12. Bicester TAG tried to get answers to this 2 years ago. I think it will remain permanently closed in the end as the two options are 2 expensive

  13. Why do Bicester residents have to stand in the rain waiting for trains to pass when rail passengers can sit in comfort?
    No shelters on any side of the tracks!!!!
    Young mums with prams. Mobility scooters. Disgraceful.

  14. The bright blue line is very ugly and intrusive. It looks like the runners are coerced into conforming with the health directives, rather than making a free choice of where to run. Way markers would be a more pleasant alternative and more in keeping with Langford/Bicester Fields character of a natural park.

  15. I feel cross about the negativity in this article. I live in Langford Village and have found that it is an immensely popular route for local residents and have in fact seen a huge increase in people out in the community following the blue line to improve their health.

  16. For gods sake give it up. It’s not the end of the world and will not be there forever!

  17. A lot of residents are upset by the fact that the blue line runs right past the front of their houses, the line would have been far better if it had been placed in the green spaces only.

  18. The 5k route is great. The blue line looks fine. Fantastic. Well done Langford Village.

  19. Thanks for posting about Apple Day. It’s free admission and you can taste this years freshly pressed apple juice, sit and chat on hay bales and eat cake! Lots for children to do..plant a primrose, make apple bird feeders and decorate a plant pot. Everyone is very welcome.

  20. Hi here’d a lot about slimming world . Would like some information how it work etc thank u

  21. About time! Not only to keep it safe from speeding but also for children and pet cats. I have lost 2 cats recently 6 weeks apart . People speed off the roundabout and cats have no chance, imagine if it was a child.
    Having young children/tweens who are starting to go out alone
    I welcome this so much .

  22. Be interesting to see how many vehicles enter Langford from the entrance with the roundabout compared to the plain junction entrance that I use. I have long believed that not having a roundabout this entrance is far more dangerous which accident stats over the years will prove.
    I am also convinced it’s the busiest entrance to Langford.

    • John. We should have that information in a month or so. We will publish it.

  23. Why have the results been presented differently to the last is that so we can’t see that the dangerous entrance without a roundabout is busiest.

    • The data for both Peregrine Way sections is in the posts. The Peregrine Way section that junctions with the ring road and is without the roundabout averages 3,400 vehicles per day. The Peregrine Way section with the roundabout on the ring road averages 4,000 vehicles per day. We have no hidden agenda with the stats we publish, we are just trying to provide the community with information.

  24. Thank you for the info and for everything you do for our community which benefits us all.

    • Thank you Liz for your kind comment, much appreciated by the committee

  25. Langford brook need to have a lot of the trees etc that have grown and encroached their way into the banks of the brook removed.
    These trees a bushes greatly reduce the clear flow rate of the brook increasing the possibility of local flooding. These trees and bushes trap things flowing down the brook very quickly building a dam type construction.

  26. This needs to be challenged. The london Road crossing is imperative to Bicester and the flow of traffic in the town.

  27. This will cut off half the town and destroy an already decimated town centre. Many Langford and Graven Hill residents will now cease shopping in the town centre when it involves a long journey round through the Bicester Village traffic. Plans to regenerate Market Square have been dealt a huge setback by this announcement. It must be challenged by everyone in this town