At the LVCA AGM in September, Carole Hetherington and Richard Kingshott – key members of the Wretchwick Way/Peregrine Way subcommittee – spoke about the continuing campaign for safety improvements at the Langford junction. This has been the site of numerous accidents, including the death of a motorcyclist in September 2009 when he was hit by a car at this junction, and only last week there was a further collision involving a car and a motorcycle.
Many local residents are concerned for their safety while waiting to turn right from Wretchwick Way into Peregrine Way because of the risk of oncoming vehicles overtaking or speeding along this 50mph stretch of road.
In past discussion with police and county councillors, a number of proposals put forward to improve safety have failed due to lack of available funding. Oxfordshire County Council does not consider Wretchwick Way a priority, though is currently looking for highway improvement funds from local developments at Gavray Drive and Wretchwick Green.
Current proposals for a Wretchwick Way traffic calming and road safety scheme include further improving the 50mph signs, which previously did not comply with required standards, and adding new road markings to Wretchwick Way approaching the junction from either direction to indicate that overtaking is not permitted. New junction splitter islands would help protect traffic waiting to turn right into Peregrine Way. Full details can be seen in the diagram here.
A recent Bicester Advertiser report on the Wretchwick Way campaign, featuring Carole and Richard, can be viewed here.
The vastly increased traffic flow of cars and HGVs along the ring-road after Bicester 12 (Wretchwick Green housing and Akeman Park warehousing) is built will make this junction even more dangerous. Bicester 12 will have 1,500 new houses and employment buildings for 3,000, so these people will be travelling in and out of that estate. A further consideration is the proposed relief road from the A41 Oxford road to the A41 Aylesbury Road and on through Bicester 12 to emerge at Gavray Roundabout. The effect of this should also be considered. OCC’s Public Consultation on the relief road has started with opportunities for online feedback on their website and displays at the Littlebury Hotel next Friday Nov 12 and John Paul II next Saturday Nov 13.
I support everything that Pam has written above. Wretchwick Green development and the Akeman Warehouses (on the A41 and adjacent to the Wretchwick Green estate) will contribute so much more traffic (the developers have admitted to a 30% increase, but it could be more) on the ring road that further safety measures for people living on the new estate will have to be made. They will need to get to the new station. The estate may have a local centre and a primary school but that is not sufficient to keep people from wanting to access Bicester Town Centre. What about young secondary school children and patients at the only nearby GP Surgery in Nightingale Square? A proper plan needs to be made with OCC.
Please also read the SCOPing opinion for the Wretchwick Green estate that was published by Cherwell yesterday. It includes comments on the transport and roads from OCC
And here is the link to the Akeman warehousing site
A full EIA is required in this case.