Further to the earlier post on proposals for the development of South East Bicester, a planning application covering part of this area (referred to as Akeman Park) has now been submitted to CDC. This application is for the erection of giant warehouses on farmland bordering the A41 at the southern end of the Bicester 12 development area (see here for location plan). Outline details of this development, shown at an exhibition held in November, can be viewed here (13Mb file – may be slow to download).
Details of the major development at Bicester 12, a separate proposal for 1500 homes opposite the A41 by Langford Village and referred to as Wretchwick Green, were shown at an exhibition held in October and can be viewed here. The planning application for this development is still awaited, and further details will be posted on the LVCA website when available. Representatives of the Wretchwick Green developers attended an LVCA meeting in November and were receptive to concerns raised by the LVCA committee, together with District and Town councillors, about some details of the proposals.
Full details of the Akeman Park application can now be viewed on the CDC website. Go to the CDC Planning Applications webpage and enter “15/02316/OUT” in the Search box; further details of the application can accessed via the “Documents” tab. The last date for submitting comments and objections to CDC is Monday 25th January.
Among opponents to this Warehouse development are LVCA committee members and Bicester Town councillors, who regard it as inappropriate for this site. These huge warehouses range in size from 100,000 sq ft of floor space to over 300,000 sq ft and because warehousing is increasingly automated employment potential is limited. More than 200 parking and docking spaces for HGV’s provide an indication of the additional traffic that could be using Bicester’s road network 24 hours each day.
This site is actually bigger than the Gavray Meadows Nature Reserve. It is 16.4 hectares in all (Gavray to the east of the Brook is 15 ha) so it will be an enormous extent of concrete slab. Although the developers Framptons say that the SuDS will cope, they cannot really be sure. Such a huge area of concrete and roofs in a wet winter such as we have just experienced will cause large amounts of run-off water to enter the drains. The flooding will go downstream across the A41 to the Graven Hill new estate. Also the additional traffic in HGVs will be insupportable. There is a petition in the vestibule of the LVCA hall (left as you enter). We have already collected over 140 signatures against these warehouses to present to the CDC. Please add your protest by signing. We now have limited time.