Missed the AGM?

If you were unable to come to the AGM and would like to join those who’ll receive notification of when the meeting minutes are published then please sign-up to LVCA e-News here.

If you’ve already signed up for this service in the past or you attended the AGM and wrote your email address on the attendance sheet then you do NOT need to sign up again here as you’re already on our list to receive these notifications.

Please note that it will take a little while for these minutes to be made ready but as soon as they are you will get to know about it.

Missed the AGM?

LVCA AGM 2013 minutes

Further to the AGM last month, I am pleased to attach the minutes of the meeting.

In the short time since the meeting, I am delighted to report that Cllr Tim Hallchurch has been able to confirm that funding has been found for a ‘Lollipop’ crossing patrol outside Langford Village Primary School. This is excellent news and steps are in hand to fill the post. Thank you Cllr Hallchurch.
A sub-group has been set up by Carole Hetherington regarding Wretchwick Way/Peregrine Way junction and will be meeting soon. Carole will keep interested parties informed of progress. Again, the LVCA website is also intended as a point of reference for this.
Thank you again for attending the AGM and for your concern about our community.
Best regards,