At the recent AGM of Langford Village Community Association, the major topic was the Junction at Peregrine Way/Wretchwick Way, headed up by Carole Hetherington. Sixty five concerned residents, police and councillors attended the meeting where many issues were raised about the junction with individuals giving details of their near misses and concerns.
Wretchwick Way is the main by pass around Bicester, the junction is not safe for the residents and many visitors to Langford Village with 15 police recorded accidents and anything up to 150 accidents in total. People fear for their lives, when sitting in the hatchings to turn right (from Launton direction) and are faced with a car overtaking heading straight for them.
The situation is made worse by the short piece of dual carriageway, from Rodney House roundabout, goodness knows why that is there! Cars don’t manage to overtake on that short piece of dual carriageway and so as soon as they get round the roundabout they continue to overtake, without seeing the junction approaching. There is a bend in the road and a dip which hides the hatchings area.
Speeding is another issue, with residents reporting motorbikes using the road as a racetrack late and night and Sunday afternoons. The Police have said they will pass the concerns on to the Traffic Section, who will do a speed awareness campaign along that stretch of road.
It was agreed at the meeting to form a sub-committee The Wretchwick Way sub-group, made up of 8 residents of Langford village, 2 local Police representatives, plus local councillors, headed up by Carole Hetherington to take this forward to apply pressure on the County Council to provide funding to improve the safety of this junction.