Over the last century 97% of lowland wildflower meadows, similar to Meadow Farm, have disappeared from the English countryside. They’ve been lost under the concrete and tarmac of houses and roads, or drained and ploughed for intensive farming.
The few remaining meadows, just 1500 hectares in England, all offering the same vibrant and beautiful spectacle as I was enjoying, are a small reminder of a traditional, rural landscape with a critical role to play in the conservation of our natural heritage. The Wildlife Trust now has a golden opportunity to buy Meadow Farm and save this extraordinary site for ever.
Across the three counties BBOWT works diligently to protect and restore this type of meadow and the species that it supports. If the Wildlife Trust succeeds in buying Meadow Farm, then we will not only save a precious and rare wildlife habitat, we will also be able to create new wildflower meadows using the seed and green hay from this valuable resource.
If you’d like to help save Meadow Farm – please donate now.