Latest 108 bus service timetable

There are some changes to the 108 bus timetable, reflecting the extra services recently added.

Here is the latest timetable from 1st July 2024. Click on the image for an enlarged view or to download and print off a copy.

Rosé Wine Tasting at the Hall – Sat 13th July at 5.30pm

Rosé Wines are the go-to wines for summer for many people who enjoy a well chilled and fruity refreshing drink on a long hot summer day. So we invite you to join us for a tasting of a variety of rosé drinks on Saturday 13th July at 5.30pm to 8pm, starting with some fizz, a cocktail and a variety of wines from various countries.

Whilst this is going to be an informal tasting, there will be a little information as to how these wines are produced, the different styles available and hopefully it will encourage you to try something you might not have considered. We will also have an option of some red wine for those who prefer this style, although our prime focus this time is rosé.

We will also have a tea tasting available for those not wishing to partake in the alcohol offerings. Sample a variety of teas ranging from decaffeinated, fruit, black and green. 

To complement the wines and the tea, there will be an assortment of cheese and biscuits provided.

This evening will be free of charge, although you will need to reserve your place by email to

Please do this right away to ensure your place. The tasting is open to all over the age of 18.

If you enjoy the evening, you may like to leave a donation to cover costs.

Please do come and join us for a relaxed evening at Langford Village Community Hall.

Voting arrangements for New Langford residents

We’ve been notified ( via Councillor Cotter ) that residents of New Langford will need to go to the Garth to cast their vote at the General Election called for July 4th 2024. 

The previously used temporary polling station sited on Corncrake Way will NOT be in place and so we’re helping to give early notice of this to all on New Langford. 

The decision to make a polling station at the Garth instead of on Corncrake has been taken by the elections team based at Cherwell District Council. There has been no explanation.

Some residents have already expressed concern about this change and feel it is either too difficult or too distant for them to get to the Garth to vote.

If this is the case, there are two alternatives that New Langford residents can consider. You could choose to register to make your vote by post or by proxy, where you give another person permission to go to your local polling station and to make a vote as per your instruction.  

To apply for a postal vote the deadline is 5pm on June 19th and you should click here to read more and follow the instructions.

To apply for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on June 26th and to learn more you should click here and see if you wish to choose this method.

The polling station at Langford Village Community Centre will also be open on July 4th and remains the place for residents of original Langford Village areas to vote. People with New Langford addresses are not able to vote at the Hall and must go to the Garth on election day.

All polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm and voters are reminded that they must now provide an accepted form of photo id in order to be able to vote.

EWR Update for Spring/Summer 2024

To read the latest newsletter produced by East West Rail please click here.

EWR has also recently announced that because of the General Election called for July 4th there will now be a delay in revealing its findings on the possible route of a new crossing at or near London Road.

Originally this information was expected to be unveiled in June but this will not now happen until a later date which is so far unstated.

Election Result

Here’s the result of the vote to elect a new district councillor for Bicester South and Ambrosden held on 2nd May. It’s a win for Frank Ideh of the Liberal Democrats.

He will now join the two other Cherwell district councillors who already represent Langford’s residents and other people who live in the near vicinity.

Local Elections May 2024

There will be 4 candidates standing for the local Cherwell District Council ward (Bicester South and Ambrosden) at the election on May 2nd.

Click here for details of the candidates as shown in the elections notice of April 5th.

We will also be asked to cast a vote to elect Thames Valley’s police and crime commissioner (PCC).

Click here to find some details about the candidates who’re standing for PCC.

The Langford Village polling stations will be open on May 2nd from 7am to 10pm.

Follow the level of Langford Brook

This shows the level of water in Langford Brook in near real time. If you check back regularly through any day you’ll be able to see how water levels may be rising or falling.

To see a graph of how the Brook has been over the last few days please click here.

Here is the record for Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th February 2024.

Our image below is from Sunday 18th February 2023 (in ‘flooding possible’ status)

Calling All Langford Crafters


Do you have crafts projects that you’re working on and that you’d enjoy completing in the company of others? If so you’re warmly invited to come along to the first of our open crafting sessions at the Hall on Wednesday 21st February from 2pm to 4pm.

Just bring your knitting, sewing, cross stitch jigsaws, painting or other crafty things into our warm and social setting where tea and coffee is also provided.

Perhaps the new sessions, to be held of the third Wednesday of each month, are just what you need to help finish projects started long ago and the place for you to ask questions or pick up hints and tips from like minded people living on Langford.

There’s no need to book and the cost is just £3 per person for each session.  

These sessions are organised by the Langford Village Community Association which will expect all crafters to ensure that all areas are left clean at the end of the afternoon.  

If you’ve any further questions about this activity please contact Sandra by email addressed to

Langford’s New Bus Service Goes Live


Langford Village now has a Monday to Saturday bus service on a restricted timetable. It would be wonderful to get a more comprehensive timetable, however it all depends on usage. This is the number 108 bus.

You can catch a bus into Bicester town centre at 11.00am and 14.10pm and there are returns from the town centre at 11.20am and 14.30pm – far from perfect however it’s a start.

I am concerned that there are people living on Langford Village who may still be unaware of this service. Please would you let any neighbours know who may not be on social media. Although the service exists it’s not being well used currently.

Many thanks, Carole – Chairman Langford Village Community Association ( LVCA)

(Please see the timetable posted here and please address any questions or enquires about the service direct to the Oxford Bus Company, which runs it.)

To PRINT OFF a timetable just click here for a pdf version that’s handy to keep with you.