Jumpers and Scarves workshop for community halls – spaces still available for September 25th

eieJumpers and Scarves is a half day workshop aimed at helping community buildings realise energy efficiency savings through management of current energy use and considering efficiency opportunities in planned building upgrades.  As decisions in community buildings are made by committees who have limited time to consider options and understand energy implications, the workshop highlights key energy efficiency practices and includes a focus on group decision making. Click here to register for the next workshop.

BBOWT’s Meadow Farm bid

Over the last century 97% of lowland wildflower meadows, similar to Meadow Farm, have disappeared from the English countryside. They’ve been lost under the concrete and tarmac of houses and roads, or drained and ploughed for intensive farming.

The few remaining meadows, just 1500 hectares in England, all offering the same vibrant and beautiful spectacle as I was enjoying, are a small reminder of a traditional, rural landscape with a critical role to play in the conservation of our natural heritage. The Wildlife Trust now has a golden opportunity to buy Meadow Farm and save this extraordinary site for ever. Continue reading

Butterfly effect halts plans for 500 homes

Ecologist Dominic Woodfield, 42, managed to get quashed planning approval for homes near Bicester’s Gavray Drive at the High Court.

Gallagher Estates was granted permission for homes on the 23-hectare site in 2006 following a public inquiry, and it was later renewed in 2011. Work at the site had not started.

Click here for more details from the Bicester Advertiser.

Green Bite training course for low carbon living

green_bite_webposter-1Grassroots Bicester in conjunction with an Oxford organisation called ReachAbility are putting on a FREE course for anyone (over 16) with the germ of an idea for a project to benefit both the people of Bicester and the environment. The course aims to give the skills and confidence to get the project off the ground. It’s a six-week evening course on a Thursday at St Edburg’s Church Hall, 3 weeks before Easter and 3 weeks after, with a 2-week break at Easter.

Musical Minis arriving at Langford Village

Musical Minis will be running sessions for preschoolers (birth – 4 years) at:
Langford Village Hall, Bicester
Tuesday mornings at 11.00am
Continue reading

Langford Litter Pick October 2012

A litter pick is being arranged for Saturday 27th October, from 9.30 to 10.45am after meeting at the Community Hall in Nightingale Place. The area covered will include paths around Langford Village School, with additional areas dependant on the number of volunteers available. Please participate if you can and bring the children along too. Refreshments will be provided afterwards at the Community Hall.

Langford Community Orchard

Further to the article in Langford Life issue 66, plans for the Community Orchard near the Claypits allotment site and new Care Home development have been given official backing by Bicester Town Council.


Launton to Bicester nature footpath improved

An attractive rural footpath linking Launton to Bicester has been brought back into use by Oxfordshire County Council’s Countryside team. Staff have improved accessibility along the one-mile route by installing a new footbridge and stiles, and clearing overgrown thorn bushes to allow people to pass freely. The work follows requests from local residents and makes fully available the only direct, off-road link from the south west of Launton to Bicester.