East West Rail Consultation 2021 – Our Response

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London Road level crossing in Bicester

To read the document that Langford Village Community Association has submitted to the East West Rail Consultation please click here. We are making the case for the London Road route to remain open to vehicles as well as pedestrians and cyclists. Our residents have indicated they most prefer a new road bridge being built alongside the existing road, for use when the level crossing is permanently closed because of increased rail services.

Election Results – May 2021

To view the results of the elections involving Langford Village voters that were held on May 6th 2021 please click on each of the links provided below to see who has been elected.

Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner

Oxfordshire County Council (Otmoor Ward)

Cherwell District Council (Bicester South and Ambrosden)

These results have previously appeared on the LVCA’s facebook page and were tweeted to all our twitter followers on the days that results were first announced. Please follow us on our social media as well as this website to keep fully up to date on our news for residents.

Local Elections May 2021

There will be 3 candidates standing for the local Cherwell District Council ward (Bicester South and Ambrosden) at the election on May 6th.

Click here for details of the candidates as shown in the elections notice of April 8th.

There will also be 3 candidates standing for election to our local County Council ward of Otmoor. Click here for those details.

We will also be asked to cast a vote to elect Thames Valley’s police and crime commissioner (PCC). Click here to find some details about the candidates standing.

The Langford Village polling stations will be open on May 6th from 7am to 10pm.

London Road crossing – the Technical Report

What’s involved in building a new road layout?

The East West Rail Company has already looked in some detail at the challenges of providing an alternative route for vehicles when, as seems likely, the London Road level crossing is closed because of safety linked to the new rail services to Milton Keynes and Cambridge.

We’ve extracted the pages of information from the Consultation Technical Report so that the details are easy to find. The pages can be viewed if you click here.

You can submit your thoughts to the Consultation here. Closing date is June 9th 2021.

London Road crossing – the EWR options

View the alternatives for the probable permanent closure of the level crossing.

London Road level crossing in Bicester

The East West Rail project has published details of 6 options that it is considering for the resolution of the issues at London Road level crossing in Bicester. Each option involves closing the existing level crossing because it says there are safety concerns linked to the crossing being closed for up to 50 minutes in each hour when the new rail services begin (probably in 2025).

Click here to read about the proposals in the extracted pages from the EWR’s full consultation document that was issued on 31st March 2021.

To go on to read more in-depth technical assessments of each proposal click here.

EWR is open to receive residents’ feedback on the proposals in a consultation period that ends on 9th June 2021. Click here to go to the consultation pages.

Go here to complete the EWR consultation feedback form and submit it.

The Hall during lockdown


The new lockdown means that it’s no longer possible for any of our activity groups to use the Hall and all regular activities are again suspended until further notice.

We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone back again just as soon as that’s possible and will keep you informed as usual via our facebook, website and emails.

but back again just as soon as possible.

The Hall Reopens


The Hall will reopen from Thursday 3rd December for our regular user groups that wish to return and who’re permitted to run activities under the Covid-19 rules and restrictions. Please contact your group organiser if you’re unsure whether or not your activities are resuming or allowed.

Hall Closure Announcement


In order to comply with the latest Covid-19 measures the Langford Village Community Hall is closed to all users from Thursday 5th November. We’d like to thank all our regular Hall hirers for their understanding and we’ll let everyone know here when reopening the Hall becomes possible again. LVCA.

New homes development on Gavray Drive – LVCA response

The LVCA has recently responded to the latest proposals to build over 200 new homes on Gavray Drive. Work is expected to take place from 2023 and will take several years to complete. To read the full LVCA response document to Cherwell District Council planners please click here.

Water Level in Langford Brook

Do you know that during times of rain it’s easy to follow the water levels of Langford Brook?

The app here indicates that – usually quite close to real time – for viewing whenever you wish.

Our picture is from 04.10.20 when the Brook burst its banks in a number of places and flooded some of the paths and playing fields when the level was at 1.66m. The area near the bridge and towards London Road was particularly affected by water completely covering the footpaths.

For regular news updates please remember to follow Langford Life on facebook and twitter.