Gavray Meadows – further news

Bicester 12.psdOn 20th October, John Broad and Pat Clissold gave a joint presentation to Cherwell District Council on a proposal to designate all of the Bicester 13 (Gavray Meadows) area east of Langford Brook as a Local Green Space. This is a new category in the National Policy Planning Framework to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities. John & Pat had proposed that the site was accepted for the richness of its wildlife and its historical record of old farming practices, and in particular for the site’s local significance.
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Langford Litter Pick 4th October

A litter pick organised by Councillor Melanie Magee is being held on Saturday 4th October, meeting at the Community Hall in Nightingale Place at 10.00.

Please come along if you can, and bring the whole family to join in. Refreshments will be provided afterwards at the Community Hall, courtesy of the LVCA.

Objections to CDC Local Plan modifications

Bicester 12.psdUPDATE: 28th September 2014

John Broad (see also previous guide to the CDC Local Plan, below) has additionally examined the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and has identified points that can be used to challenge the legality of the revised Local Plan with regard to areas Bicester 12 & 13. See here for full details.

The NPPF sets out planning policies for England, and local planning authorities must ensure that their plans are compliant with this document.

UPDATE: 25th September 2014

An e-petition has been created by Pat Clissold to challenge the proposed developments at SE Bicester (Bicester 12) and Gavray Drive (Bicester 13). This can be viewed and signed at .

UPDATE: 24th September 2014

Former LVCA committee member John Broad has compiled a comprehensive guide covering aspects of the modified CDC Local Plan that impact on Langford residents, identifying specific proposals that seem questionable, and providing guidance on the means of raising objections to these ahead of the forthcoming planning inquiry in December. See here for full details.

“I’ve attached a copy of my thoughts for residents to pick the bones out of. Of necessity I have kept it rather rambling as this means, hopefully, people will be able to pick out parts that they can include in their responses to the revised Local Plan in their own words. They can try to use the CDC official form or, probably easier, write a letter or email. As I’ve said, they must include their name and address and get them in before 5pm on Friday 3rd October.”  John Broad

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 22nd September 2014

At the LVCA AGM on 17th September, Pat Clissold gave an update on Cherwell District Council’s proposals for development of the Gavray Drive meadows plus the large area of agricultural land to the SE of Langford Village.

These two areas adjacent to Langford are covered in the latest modifications to CDC’s Local Plan, which is now subject to consultation (see previous article “Gavray and SE Bicester developments” below).

To view the new proposals, visit and download the two “Proposed Main Modifications” PDF files (alternatively, download here & here). Part 1 contains full details of the changes, while Part 2 shows maps of the affected areas, including “Bicester 12” (SE development) and “Bicester 13” (Gavray Drive).

Further details for “Bicester 12” and “Bicester 13” are covered in the Part 1 document from pages 79 to 87. Objections to these proposals can only be made in respect of the modifications, which are shown in blue type. Grounds for objections are limited, and the best options (which relate to “Bicester 12”) are probably as follows :

1.  Objection to the large increase in size of the development area from 40 hectares to 155 hectares.
2.  Objection to the expansion which extends to the railway line and thus blocks the wildlife corridor between the Local Wildlife Site Gavray 52W01 and the River Ray Conservation Target Area. This encroachment will lead to the decline and demise of wildlife.
3.  Objection that the character of the footpaths has not been respected. The prospect of a pleasurable country walk is replaced by passage through a housing estate.

For those interested in voicing objections, the “Representation Form” required to submit these to Cherwell District Council can be downloaded from the Local Plan Examination page link above. “Representations Guidance Notes” are also available here. When filling in this form, enter “Mod 88 / Page 128/129” at the beginning of “Part B” of the form to identify the proposed modification (Bicester 12). The deadline for comments is 3rd October 2014.

Planning practice guidance, setting out how Government planning policies for England should be applied, can be viewed at the National Planning Policy Framework website.

Langford Community Orchard

Orchard 1APPLE DAY is being held at Langford Community Orchard (opposite the footpath by Dunlin Court, Bicester, OX26 6WQ) on Sunday 28th September, from 2.00-4.00pm. Free entry.

Refreshments will be available, and there is also a treasure hunt, apple press, apple bobbing and produce table (donate/swap your surplus fruit & veg), plus arts & crafts.

A scarecrow competition is being held – design and build your own scarecrow and bring along to Apple Day for a chance to win a prize.

Gavray and SE Bicester Developments

Key Policies Map - Bicester.psdPat Clissold – responsible for previous website postings on the Gavray Drive development proposals – has provided an update on the current progress of this issue:

The original planning enquiry examining Cherwell District Council’s Local Plan for the period up to 2031, which included details of proposed housing growth for Bicester, was suspended in June this year when the planning inspector considered that the housing targets may be too low.

Following this, CDC has produced modifications to the Local Plan and is now consulting on these. Full details of these proposed modifications, plus other documents relating to the Local Plan are available to download from a single CDC website page dedicated to this.

Details of special relevance to Langford residents include the Gavray Meadows development and also SE Bicester, which is the large area of agricultural land to the other side of Wretchwick Way with an allocation of 1500 homes. Maps showing the SE Bicester and Gavray areas, designated “Bicester 12” and “Bicester 13” can be seen here. Additional details of the Gavray area can be seen here and here, and details of the SE Bicester area here.

A Map showing an overview of the Local Plan proposals for the whole of Bicester can be viewed here.

Residents now have until 3rd October to comment on the proposed modifications ahead of a meeting of the full council on 20th October when members will vote whether to accept the revisions. If agreed, these will be put to the Inspector when the hearing is expected to resume on 9th December.

Meadow Farm

Meadow Farm (Aug '14)UPDATED 16th July 2014

Further events are being held at Meadow Farm during August and September.

Work parties looking after the habitats that form the Upper Ray Meadows continue to meet on Tuesdays 9:30am – 4pm; the next ones are 12 & 26 August and 9 & 23 September, then weekly from October. No experience is necessary – come along and give it a try. For more information contact Andy Collins, call 01869 245864 or email

Family Event – Mega Meadow Moths: Saturday 6th September, from 7:45pm – 9:15pm is a chance to get up close to some of the 120 species of moths found at Meadow Farm this year. Suitable for children 7 and over. Bookings only – Tel: 01869 245864 or email: Guided walks and talks can also be arranged for local groups. Get in touch to book for spring or summer 2015.

See here for further details. Meadow Farm is on the B4011 near between Piddington and Blackthorn (Grid ref: SP 626 188; Post code: OX25 1TW). Click here for map.

Previous article 1st July 2014

A family event is being held on Saturday 12th July to explore the wildflower meadows at Meadow Farm, Blackthorn (approximately 3 miles from Langford – see map).

The event is suitable for children over 5 years, with the opportunity to hunt for minibeasts out and about in the day, and get up close to some night-time creatures.

Booking is essential – contact 01869 245864 or email

Further details for this event can be seen here, and additional details of Meadow Farm can be found in previous LVCA website articles dated 24 May 2014 and 25 June 2013.

Neighbourhood blitz – Langford Village 23-27 June

Neighbourhood blitz 3Cherwell District Council is organising a Neighbourhood Blitz in Langford Village during  23-27 June.

This will include a Recycling roadshow, extra pavement and road sweeping, litter picking and graffiti removal, discounted sales of blue & brown bins for £10, a one-off textile collection, fly tip removals and abandoned vehicles towed away for recycling.

Further details can be found here and here.

There will also be an opportunity for free bulky waste collections, which can be booked online.

Meadow Farm

Meadow FarmThanks to the generosity of local supporters and a substantial grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, BBOWT (Berks, Bucks, Oxon Wildlife Trust) purchased Meadow Farm, a 28ha site of rare wildflower meadows, earlier this year. This site is now integrated within the wider Upper Ray Living Landscape area, a further 100+ ha of grassland reserves which also owned and managed by BBOWT.

BBOWT is organising  a series of guided walks to explore Meadow Farm, and further details of these can be found here.

More information about Meadow Farm is  available on the Berks, Bucks, Oxon Wildlife Trust website:

Langford Community Orchard Group

OrchardDear Orchard Friends,

There’s lots of good news about the Orchard!

1. We’ve been ‘given’ an allotment on the Clay Pits site. It’s just over the fence from the Orchard. It’s big enough to have 6ft x 4ft shed to keep some tools which will be useful. So lets do some fund-raising for a shed! Please let us know if you want to help with the allotment or Orchard before the next work session as there’s lots to do. Lets think about what plans we have for it…trees…fruit bushes….more rhubarb!

2. The amazing folk at Bicester Green have made us a bench! It’s crafted with love and ingenuity! We need to decide where to site it and how to stop it being removed!

3. Bea and Steve have made a very attractive hazel ‘hedge’ to protect the newly planted currant bushes from enthusiastic mowers. It’s already saved a lovely clump of cowslips under the cooking apple tree from being cut down.

4. The ‘old’ currant bushes are sprouting new growth in response to the light and space and freedom from brambles as well as a dollop of cow manure. The strawberry plants look good and have been weeded. The pear trees have lots of blossom and the apple blossom is coming out, so here’s hoping for no late frosts and plenty of fruit this year.

5. One brave fritillary has been flowering in the ‘damp square’ also protected by Bea’s hazel twig fence.

6. We are invited to Chipping Norton Orchard’s Blossom Day. Sunday 27th April 12.00 – 3.00pm. Please see here for details and contact Pam for more. It’s great fun with food and music and a lovely community orchard to see.

Our next Orchard sessions are Thursday May 1st, Sunday May 25th, Thursday June 26th, Saturday July 26th. All at 2.00 – 4.00 pm. Tea provided! 

Please bring gardening gloves and your favourite spade/fork/trowel/shears etc.

So, what jobs need doing? 

a) The allotment needs weeding + fertilizing with manure ready for autumn planting.
b) The new currant bushes need weeding and watering and mulching.
c) Nettles under the mulberries, daffodils and the apple tree by the gate need removing
d) The bramble pile needs clearing

We look forward to seeing you and wish you a Happy Easter.
Pam, Claudia and Susan
(phone 01869-245313)