Theft from Vehicles

Thames Valley Alert (Aug'15a)Message sent via Thames Valley Alert on behalf of Thames Valley Police:

Property was stolen from a number of vehicles in Bicester between 12th and 16th August; including a bag taken from a car in Dunnock Close around 9.00am on Friday 14th August.

If you saw anything suspicious in your area or have any information that may help with police enquiries please telephone Bicester Neighbourhood  Police Team on 101. Alternatively if you have information that could help but wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Included with this report was a PDF file “Steer clear of car crime”, covering security tips for motorists, which can be viewed here.

Future alert messages relevant to Langford residents will continue to be posted on the LVCA website, but if you wish to receive emails about these and other messages from Thames Valley Police you can register online at

Theft from a Vehicle in Mallards Way

Thames Valley Alert (Aug'15)Message sent via Thames Valley Alert on behalf of Thames Valley Police:

Sometime between 26th July and 9th August, number plates were stolen from a vehicle parked in Mallards Way.

Please alert neighbours and remain extra vigilant. If you saw anything suspicious in the area or have any information, please telephone Bicester Police Team on the non-emergency number 101 with information, or 999 for immediate police attention.  Alternatively, if you have information that could help but wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Future alert messages relevant to Langford residents will continue to be posted on the LVCA website, but if you wish to receive emails about these and other messages from Thames Valley Police you can register online at

Burglary and theft from vehicles in Langford

Thames Valley Alert (July'15)Message sent via Thames Valley Alert on behalf of Thames Valley Police:

At 1am on Saturday 4th July a car parked in Lapwing Close was broken into, leaving the driver’s side window smashed. A further theft from a vehicle took place at 3.25am the same night in Hawksmead.

On Thursday 2nd July, there was a burglary in Osprey Close.

Please alert neighbours and remain extra vigilant. If you saw anything suspicious in the area or have any information please telephone Bicester Neighbourhood Police Team on 101, or 999 for immediate police attention.  Alternatively, if you have information that could help but wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Future alert messages relevant to Langford residents will continue to be posted on the LVCA website, but if you wish to receive emails about these and other messages from Thames Valley Police you can register online at

Public consultation on proposed changes to subsidised bus services

Bus 23As part of cost savings proposed by Oxfordshire County Council following substantial cuts in central government funding, a number of subsided bus and Dial-a-Ride services are at risk.

Bicester bus services that could be affected include routes 8, 22, 23, 25, 25A, 37, 81, 81A, 118 and T94.

In addition to transport savings of £3.7 million already identified by OCC, a further minimum £2.6 million reduction is required. Proposals to achieve this include the options of withdrawing bus subsidies altogether, reducing bus subsidies and prioritising services to the elderly and disabled, and ending direct funding of the Dial-a-Ride service.

Oxfordshire County Council is holding a public consultation over the next 12 weeks to gather feedback to these proposals. For further details, visit

Councils to fund additional grass verge cutting

Grass Verge (June 2015)As reported in the local press recently, Bicester Town Council and Cherwell District Council have agreed to find an extra £12,000 each to finance two additional cuts of Bicester’s grass verges, providing a total of four cuts this year (click here and here for full reports).

This follows widespread complaints after Oxfordshire County Council, which is responsible for the maintenance of grass verges on public highways, reduced cutting from fives times a year to only two in response to funding reductions.

Langford Medical Practice

Langford Medical CentreAs announced in the local press, a report published yesterday by the Care Quality Commission gave an overall “inadequate” rating for Langford Medical Practice.

Although this practice is well regarded by Langford residents and was also rated “good” in the report for being caring and responsive, the Commission found areas of concern regarding the provision of safe services, and also uncertainties about some policies and procedures.

Langford medical practice has now been placed into “special measures” for six months to enable these issues to be addressed before a further inspection is carried out.

A summary of the Care Quality Commission findings can be viewed here, and the full report here.

Burglaries in Langford Village

Thames Valley Alert (Mar'15)Alert Message sent on behalf of Thames Valley Police:

Three burglaries have happened in Langford Village since Wednesday 4th March.

On 4th March between 9:45am & 10:19pm a property was burgled in ROBINS WAY, BICESTER. Entry was gained by smashing the rear patio door. A messy search was conducted of all rooms and two money boxes were stolen.

The second burglary to occur in ROBINS WAY happened sometime between 10pm 4th March & 8.20am 5th March. Kitchen cupboards were searched before cash was stolen from a handbag.

Lastly, a property was targeted in RAVENSCROFT, where entry was gained via the patio door. A tidy search was conducted and cash stolen. This happened sometime between 8pm 4th March & 4pm 5th March.

As always we ask you to remain vigilant at all times, if you see or hear anything suspicious then please report to us immediately via the non-emergency no. 101.  If you have information that could help with our enquiries, but, you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Information on door and window security can be seen here and here.

Future alert messages relevant to Langford residents will continue to be posted on the LVCA website, but if you wish to receive emails about these and other messages from Thames Valley Police you can register online at

Vehicle Motor Theft /Criminal Damage in Langford Village

Thames Valley PoliceAlert Message sent on behalf of Thames Valley Police:

Overnight from Sunday 16th November 2014 to Monday 17th November 2014, person(s) unknown attempted to gain entry to a number of vehicles in the Glory Farm and Langford Village areas of Bicester by smashing windows. Thefts of property have been confirmed in some instances.

Areas affected in Glory Farm were Bristol Road, Ruskin Walk, Oriel Walk, Churchill Road, Andover Close and Lancaster Close; in Langford Village, vehicles were targeted in Herald Way and Heron Drive.

Did you see anything suspicious? Or do you have any information which you believe may be connected to this offence?  If you did, we would like to hear from you.   Please contact PCSO C9269 Kate Ford at Bicester Police Station on  the Thames Valley Police non-emergency number, 101.

Future alert messages relevant to Langford residents will be also posted on the LVCA website, but if you wish to receive emails about these and other messages from Thames Valley Police you can register online at

Litter Pick 12 October 2013

Please remember the ‘Litter Pick’ on Saturday 12th October. Melanie Magee and co will be meeting at the Langford village hall at 10 o’clock. Bacon sandwiches and tea/coffee will be provided afterwards, courtesy of the LVCA.