Langford’s 5G Controversy


A number of Langford Village residents have now formally opposed the building of a 16 metre high mast designed to improve coverage for local mobile services and marked to be built on Peregrine Way.  The 5G mast and kerbside cabinets, shown in the diagram, would be sited on the verge near the junction with Merlin Way and on the opposite side of the road (see photo in which the position is shown with a traffic cone).

Images from the Langford 5G mast planning application documents

Details first appeared on the Cherwell District Council Planning Register in early July 2022 with local residents then given a short time to send in comments. The application for the mast has been made by telecoms firm CK Hutchison Networks. LVCA shared news of this development on its social media as soon as it was made aware of the application appearing on the Council’s Planning Register.

A Langford facebook poll then showed a clear majority – by 2 to 1 –  in favour of the local area having such a mast but with a significant number of comments also arguing that it shouldn’t  be placed where indicated but should be built elsewhere instead.  One highly suggested location is on the middle of the Peregrine Way roundabout with exits to Falcon Mead and Osprey Close. 

Several residents have now written to object to the mast for a number of different reasons and they include the Chairman of LVCA, Carole Hetherington, who has asked that a reconsideration is made on the siting as many more suitable/less intrusive spots could be identified for it in Langford’s community. Other objectors have raised issues of concern about visual impact and some have outlined fears over whether or not there could be an associated effect on health.

To read the comments on the planning register please click here and then find the ‘Supporting Docs’ section. A decision on the mast will need to be made by Cherwell District Council.

A 5G mast with an identical design to the one proposed at Langford Village has recently been installed on Leach Road in west Bicester – as shown here. These masts are around twice the height of a standard lamppost.

Leach Road, west Bicester. (Picture: Derek Finlay)

Langford Village’s new bus shelters are here!

Brand new bus shelters are now in place for all residents and visitors to our neighbourhood.

The LVCA has campaigned over many years for this facility to be installed and is delighted that it has happened – at long last! The new shelters have been installed by Bicester Town Council.

Our special thanks go to Bicester Town Clerk Phil Evans and Councillors Zoe McLernon and Dan Sames for their work and strong support in helping achieve this for our whole community.

Langford’s new shelters are on Peregrine Way near Nightingale Place

District Election Result 2022

A new District Councillor has been elected to represent residents who live on Langford and some of the adjoining and nearby areas. Chris Pruden, a Liberal Democrat, is now a Cherwell District Councillor following the poll that took place on Thursday 5th May 2022.

The other two councillors who continue to represent Langford (in the Bicester South and Ambrosden ward for Cherwell District Council) are Dan Sames and Nick Cotter.

Result of the 2022 Cherwell District Council election for Bicester South and Ambrosden ward.

Langford bus shelters – arriving soon?

Langford Village Community Association (LVCA) has campaigned for many years to get bus shelter facilities for residents living on Langford Village. It now appears that – at last – we’ve some good news and that plans really are in the pipeline for two bus shelters to be installed on our estate. 

LVCA would warmly welcome this development as it would be a benefit for the wellbeing of so many people who live here and who rely on buses and public transport.

Although we’re still awaiting firm details of the planned date of installation for the shelters, this news comes as a clear result of LVCA’s collaboration with our local representatives and councils. 

A bus shelter on Bicester’s Churchill Road

The shelters will be a great addition to Langford Village in helping people keep dry while waiting for a bus and should help encourage more residents to consider cutting down on their car use by choosing more bus travel instead.  

The shelters will be sited on Peregrine Way near to Nightingale Place and will also be helpful to residents who’ll use the bus service to visit the new surgery on Graven Hill once it’s completed towards the end of next year.

Nominated Neighbour Scheme Cards

Do you know someone who may be vulnerable to being targeted at home by rogue traders or criminals who use distraction methods to gain entry to the property? Vigilant neighbours can make all the difference to the safety of those who may not feel able to raise the alarm themselves, including older people and those that live alone.


You volunteer to be your vulnerable neighbour’s nominated contact, in the event of them being visited by an unexpected caller. Your neighbour does not have to speak to the caller on the doorstep themselves but instead holds up at the window a specially designed card which clearly directs them to go to your address as their Nominated Neighbour. As the Nominated Neighbour, you should then verify the caller’s credentials. Genuine callers will not mind following the instructions on the card. Suspected rogue traders should be reported to Oxfordshire County Council’s Trading Standards team on 01865 895999 or online at as well as to police.

The card has a list of useful telephone numbers (including Trading Standards) on the rear, as well as space to add your own.

The Nominated Neighbour Card Scheme


You can request a card by emailing your nearest Neighbourhood Policing Team (please include your name and the delivery address):

In Bicester and surrounding area:

– Banbury and surrounding area:

– Kidlington and surrounding area:

You can also request a card from the Community Safety Team at Cherwell District Council by phoning 01295 221824 or emailing

(The content for this post is provided by Neighbourhood Alert/ Thames Valley Police/ Police Community Safety Team)

Inside the Langford Village Community Centre Hall

We’ve produced a new guide on how to set up your tables and chairs for an event at the Langford Village Community Hall. See the options available and the equipment provided for Hall hire by clicking on tthe image below.

To make an enquiry about booking just email:

Table options at Langford Village Community Hall


Speed limits to be cut along Bicester Ring Road near Langford

Improved road safety and longer journey times on routes around Bicester could be on the way – with speed restrictions to be cut from 50mph to 40mph in most places.

The section of the ring road that borders Langford Village is among the stretches where Oxfordshire County Council is suggesting drivers should see top speed cut from the existing 50mph limit to a new 40mph maximum.

All roads marked in RED will have a 40mph speed limit

The idea of having a 40mph limit along most of the ring road is now out for consultation and your views are invited. Click here to read more and see details on how to comment.

The section of the A41 between the Tesco roundabout and Graven Hill roundabout will also see a speed limit cut – from 60mph to 50mph.

A good idea or one you oppose? Join the debate on of our facebook page posts.

Booking to hire the Hall in 2022

It’s easy to directly book to hire Langford Village Community Hall online via the LVCA website – just click on the image below. Or ask about booking in an email and we’ll be pleased to help. But hurry to avoid disappointment as 2022 bookings are coming in fast.

It’s easy to hire the Hall either via our website or through an email enquiiry.