To mark the 25th Anniversary of the Community Centre, the committee wanted to make back issues of the “Langford Life” newsletter electronically. Paper copies have been scanned so they can be published on this website.
The Association itself came about following the first ever Langford Village Residents Public Meeting which was held on 26 November 1992 at Longfields School. More than 200 residents of Langford Village attended along with speakers from Oxfordshire County Council, Cherwell District Council, representatives of local schools, local councillors, the police and church leaders.
The then leader of Cherwell District Council, Cllr Douglas Spencer (among others), raised the importance of forming a residents association. Other issues of note were the provision of facilities including a school, community centre, doctors surgery, shops and a pub along with the necessary access roads. Completion of the ring road which went nowhere was a big issue – at that time there was no bridge underneath the railway line to London.

If local residents were to form an association it would enable them to be involved in local issues – running the future Community Centre, school and transport provision, the completion of roads and other infrastructure, the provision of amenities and policing etc. The general aim was that such an association would be involved in consultation at all levels affecting the future of the community.
A community association (as opposed to a residents association) was suggested in order to engage with a broader base of the population. At the subsequent meeting on 9 December 1992 it was agreed that the name of the new association should be the Langford Village Community Association.
The first “Langford Life” newsletter was published in January 1993. In the headlines then were Langford’s new bus service to be provided by Thames Transit and a second post box. Click on the image below to view it in full.
Although much has changed in 25 years many of the issues of today do seem rather familiar!