How to book Langford Village Community Centre
Thank you for your interest in booking the Hall. Use the easy steps below to make and manage your booking online.
1. How much does it cost?
The rate for Casual users from 1st April 2024 is £19 per hour, and for Regular users £12 per hour.
2. Review the Terms and Conditions
To review the Terms and Conditions of Hire click here.
Please also review the Terms and Conditions of Payment for Casual Bookings click here or for Regular Bookings click here
It is crucial you ensure that you are happy with all of the Terms and Conditions before you make your booking. You will be asked to confirm you accept all the conditions during the online booking process and this agreement will form your contract with Langford Village Community Association (LVCA).
3. Check Hall Availability and Create Account
Follow the link to the ‘Hallmaster’ online booking service website to view the online availability calendar click here or go to the bottom of the page.
On the date required make sure the times you want are free, then click on the + symbol, which will open up a new customer registration form. You will be asked to add your name, address, phone number and email, and you’ll also be able to set up a password so that you can use your account again for any future bookings. You can now complete your booking request.
4. Complete Booking
Enter an Event Name, such as Fred’s Party, or Private Event, then add the start and end times. The minimum session time is 1 hour, and please ensure that you include sufficient time for setting-up and clearing-up. Please also note that bookings for private parties are not permitted beyond 8:00pm.
In the “Line item Group” box click on Other Facilities Requested, then select if you would like to have use of the kitchen, chairs, etc. there is no extra charge for these. Click the Add button after each selection.
Only add an event description if you wish to, for example if you are booking a series of classes for the general public to attend. In this case you may also wish to change the default Privacy settings to Public.
Please enter the approximate number of people you expect to attend, and any other Special Requirements which may help us validate whether our venue is suitable for you event. E.g. Will you be selling goods or services; will you charge for admission; do you wish to use a bouncy castle in the hall?
Finally, having ensured you have fully read the Payment T&C’s and Hall Terms and Conditions, tick the box to confirm you accept them, and then click on the ‘Save and Send Booking Email’ box.
5. Get Confirmation
As soon as you complete a booking request you will receive an automated email confirming your initial request. Our Bookings Secretary will then check all the details and, if everything is ok, you will receive another email confirming your booking, subject to payment. While we aim to respond to booking requests within 48 hours, the Hall is run by a small team of volunteers, so please be patient if we cannot always meet this target, and please do not contact us unless you have not received a Booking Confirmation email after 7 days.
6. Invoicing and Payment
Soon after receiving your Booking Confirmation email you will receive your invoice, also by email, and this will include the LVCA bank details. To secure your booking please pay the Hire Charge by BACs as soon as possible, quoting your invoice number and surname in the reference field. If you are unable to pay by BACS please contact our Hall Manager via email to as soon as possible.
A £100 Security Deposit will also be included on the invoice, but this does not have to be paid until 1 month before your booking date. However, you may choose to pay this earlier, rather than risk missing the payment date, and thus potential cancellation of your booking.
7. Access to the hall
An LVCA Representative will meet you at the hall at the beginning of your booking time and will open up the hall for you and explain anything you need to know. They will disable the alarm, and show you around. We recommend you lock the front door from the inside once all your guests have arrived. We no longer leave you with a key as it is possible to lock the front door without. You will be left with a sheet detailing useful info such as wifi code and location of the window key.
We will return at the end of your booking to close up and set the alarm, check all rubbish has been removed, chairs are stacked correctly and there are no damages. If you finish early, you should phone the contact number given by our representative and await their attendance. If the hall is left unattended and unlocked, you may forfeit your deposit. If you are having a bouncy castle, please ensure the company collect before the end of your event. As per our terms and conditions, additional time is charged at £10 per 15 min.
If you are not sure if the hall is suitable for your booking, please feel free to contact the Bookings Secretary to arrange a viewing before booking.
8. Contact
If you have any booking queries, please email our Hall Manager via or text, call or leave a voicemail on the dedicated mobile 07946 289092. We will endeavour to get back to you within 24 hours, but please be understanding if it takes a little longer. If in an emergency situation concerning a booking please also try emailing
Book now using the Hallmaster system below.