Terms of Payment and Conditions – Regular Users
Rates: Weekdays and Weekends, £12.00 per hour.
- After the commencement of a contract, charges will not normally be changed more than once per year, and at least one month’s notice in writing will be given before any changes become effective.
- To qualify for the Regular Users hourly rate, users need to book a minimum of 6 sessions at one time, within a 12-month timespan. Otherwise the Casual Users hourly rate will be charged.
- New Regular Users will be asked to pay a £100 security deposit no later than 7 days before the first period of hire. This will be returned, if all T’s & C’s have been met, after 12 months, or the end of contract if sooner.
- All sessions must include time for setting up & clearing up, and the minimum session time is 1 hour. The length of the sessions will be in blocks of 15 minutes, and will be charged pro-rata at the applicable hourly rate.
- Invoicing periods will be agreed before the date of the first booking. Invoices will normally be issued during the first week of each invoice period, and prompt payment is expected within 7 days, unless otherwise specified on the invoice.
- User groups found to be over-running their time-slot on a regular basis will be charged in 30-minute blocks (e.g. a 10-min over-run will be charged for 30 mins)
- If a user wishes to cancel a regular session (e.g. during school holidays) they should give at least one month’s notice in writing. Notice of less than one month may incur a charge, in line with our Hall Terms and Conditions of Hire, unless due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness).
- The Committee retains the right to revoke a contract if repeated late or non-payment occurs.
- Payment is by Bank Transfer only.
- Communications to regular users will normally be made by email. Promotional notices may be posted on the notice board in the hall and must be laminated. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that these are checked periodically.
- Communications to LVCA should be emailed, posted or delivered to the address directed by the Bookings Secretary.
- It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the Bookings Secretary is informed of all changes to the user’s/ group contact details, so that our records may be updated.