METER electricity use study

METER studyFollowing a recent meeting with LVCA committee members Carole Hetherington & Richard Kingshott, Gillian Munday of CDC’s Bicester Delivery Team has sent details of a new electricity use study which may be of interest to Langford residents.

The METER project is a five year programme launched by researchers at the University of Oxford to provide a better understanding of what we use electricity for, especially at peak times. The aim is ultimately to encourage people to be flexible with use of electricity and, where possible, to shift use away from times of peak demand.

Residents are invited to take part in an online survey at Participants will receive a special “eMeter”, which can be easily fitted in their home, and need to record activities for one day only, using a diary or smartphone app. There is also the chance to win a year’s free electricity.

Further details can be found here.